The top-priced ram Thalabah P57, with Rick Power, Nutrien stud stock, Jack Frost, Thalabah Merino stud, George and Chris Boardman, Charlefield Pty Ltd, Anthony, Sam and Krisi Frost, Thalabah Merino stud, Laggan. Picture by Helen De Costa.
Consistent and even were two words used throughout the shed to describe the line of rams offered at the Frost family's Thalabah Merino on-property ram sale on October 25, near Laggan.
The family offered a total of 80 rams to buyers, 10 more than last year with the larger draft welcomed by purchasers and the sale remaining strong with rams selling for $3000 at the back of the catalogue.
During the auction there were 76 ram sold to a top of $4500 to average $1895. Three rams were sold immediately after the conclusion of the sale.
Thalabah P57 was the top-priced ram, knocked down to Taralga purchasers Charlefield Pty Ltd.
The June-drop ram was sired by a Bocoble ram and recorded a fibre diameter of 16.6 micron, with a standard deviation of 2.7 micron and a coefficient variation of 16.3 per cent.
He also recorded a comfort factor of 99.7pc and recorded the highest eye muscle depth (EMD) of the draft measuring 40.5 millimetres with a fat scan of 6mm.
Purchaser George Boardman, Charlefield Pty Ltd, said this was the second time the family operation had purchased from the stud.
"He has got the finer crimp and bright white wool, his a very deep long bodied ram, exactly what we're chasing," he said.
"We went to South West Slopes Merino Field days and saw Bocoble there so we're kind of chasing that bloodline now.
"We bought a ram from here last year and we're really happy with him."
The family run a mixed farming operation with a 1000 ewe self-replacing Merino operation, breeding their own first cross ewes for prime lamb production as well as a herd of 85 Angus cows.
The second top-priced ram was Thalabah 182, purchased by Oscit Pty Ltd, Golspie, for $4000.
He was another June-drop ram who was sired by a Sarge syndicate ram and measured 19.6 micron.
The horned ram recorded a comfort factor of 99.8pc and an EMD of 37mm, with a fat scan of 5.5mm.
The Golspie purchaser also purchased an additional six rams averaging of $2535.
The volume buyer was Karoopa Partnership, Crowther, who purchased nine rams averaging $1472.
Karoopa Partnership manager Malcolm Howarth said the operation had been purchasing rams from Thalabah for 40 years for the mainly Merino ewe operation running 3500 ewes, as well as retaining wethers as wool growers.
"We look for the structure of them, as well as good feet and the wool has been good to us," he said.
"They're coming out of the cold country here into our warmer climate where they do better, we find it's better then buying them up north and then bringing them down here."
Thalabah stud co-principal Anthony Frost said the result of the sale was very pleasing, with more polled ram clients purchasing from the sale.
"We had 10 more rams than last year and we passed 10 in last year, so it was a bit of a risky move but it paid off," he said.
"We're not chasing that high average, we just want to get quality rams out there.
"That's a first time a polled ram has topped the sale."
The sale was conducted by Nutrien Goulburn with Rick Power as auctioneer.
StockLive provided the online interface.
Anthony, Jack, Krisi and Sam Frost, Thalabah, Laggan, with judges Steven Bolt, Patrick Davis, David Zouch, Sam Picker and Joe Murdoch. Picture by Rebecca Nadge
The supreme exhibit. Picture by Rebecca Nadge
Paddy Lowe with Krisi, Sam, Anthony and Jack Frost, Thalabah, Laggan.
Thalabah stud, Laggan, has continued its strong run of show results, claiming the supreme exhibit and NSW ram of the year at the Merino Nationals at Dubbo.
Thalabah 23A20068 was sashed grand champion August-shorn ram before going on to win supreme.
He came from the six-tooth Merino class in the fine/medium ring.The ram was awarded junior champion ram earlier this year at Great Southern Supreme Merino and was by the 2017 Australian ram of the year, Nerstane 73.
He recorded a fibre diameter of 19.9 micron, standard deviation of 3.7 micron, coefficient of variation of 18.4 per cent and 98.98pc comfort factor.
Anthony Frost, Thalabah, said they would continue to use him in the stud.
The judges were Sam Picker, Hillcreston, Bigga, Patrick Davis, Demondrille, Murrumburrah, David Zouch, Hollow Mount, Bigga, Steven Bolt, Claypans, Corrigin, WA, and Joe Murdoch, North Cowie Merino and Poll Merino stud, Warooka, SA.
Mr Davis praised the ram's staple length and coverage.
"If you could paint a head for a Merino, he'd be the model that you'd do it on," he said. "Just a magnificent animal."
Koonwarra A20272 was reserve grand champion August-shorn ram. The ram was 18.3 micron with 2.7 micron SD, 14.6pc CV, and 99.9pc CF.
Grand champion August-shorn ewe went to Glenpaen A6216, exhibited by Glenpaen, Brimpaen, Vic.
The fine/medium ewe recorded a fibre diameter of 17.9 micron, 2.9 micron SD, 16.3pc CV and 99.7pc CF.
The ewe descended from a Grassy Creek sire and also won champion in the fine/medium class at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show at Bendigo.
Sam Frost, Thalabah Merino stud, Laggan, with Thalabah Ally, supreme Merino ewe and winner of the ewe's production class. Picture by Krisi Frost
The importance of a showing sheep is not lost on the Frost family.
At this year's Sydney Royal, the ram that won the six-tooth production class was shown by Kristen and Anthony Frost, Thalabah, Laggan.
Their ram was in the winning RAS pair and scored 443.15 points out of the possible 500 to win the production class.
The ram's 16.8-micron fleece cut 14 kilograms with a fleece value of $149.19, while his eye muscle area measured 46 square centimetres, which was the second highest in the competition. He had the highest body weight of the competition - 127.5kg - while his fat at 9mm was also the highest on the day.
The supreme Merino ewe, Thalabah Ally, also bred by the Frosts, had been successful in the fine wool classes.
She was successful in the six-tooth ewe production class, with her 11.6kg fleece which measured 17.3m and was valued at $140. She weighed 81.5kg, with a 37sq cm eye muscle area, and scored 380.5 points out of 500.
Mr Frost said the ewe's production was fantastic, clearly confirming their commitment to breeding sheep with great genetic potential and building on the legacy of John (Sam) Williams, Mrs Frost's late father.
"That's the type that John always tried to breed - fine to fine-medium wool sheep, big productive sheep with a good frame and body," Mr Frost said. "And that is what we aspire to today."
Mr and Mrs Frost do not take lightly the responsibility entailed in showing sheep, and believe it has helped them develop their sheep, as indeed it has for many others.
"The visual aspects of showing are critical for the industry, if we are to be relevant in the future," Mr Frost said.
"The art of visually judging a sheep, or of any livestock for that matter - this is something that should be taught, as well as being able to read figures.
"Going back to 1956 - a long time ago - they had the skill to pick a good sheep where all aspects of the sheep are taken into consideration - from teeth to teats. It is pretty amazing to think back then, the skill that they already had. And it hasn't changed."
There is a generational tradition for many people in showing their sheep at Sydney, and Mrs Frost's father John will be long remembered for the success his sheep had in Sydney and how they set the benchmark for the industry throughout the late 1960s and through the 1970s. That is only one reason why she and her family will continue to exhibit in Sydney.
"We have had plenty of hidings in the show ring, but my late father always told us to get our sheep out there, no matter what, compete and put them on the mat," Mrs Frost said.
"You know very well they are not the best, but we do it to measure where we are and can then use what we learn to improve our type of sheep."
The family tradition of breeding and exhibiting Merino sheep is appreciated by 12-year-old Sam Frost, who was on hand to assist in Sydney.
"My grandfather and his father first showed in Sydney in 1956. They won grand champion ewe of the show, which was the highest individual ewe award you could get before they introduced the supreme," Sam said.
"He won the Stonehaven Cup, which is the group of five Merinos, six times in a decade and ended up winning it 11 times with Koonwarra and winning it twice with Thalabah. He was the only person to win the Stonehaven with two different studs."
Sam said his grandfather also won the supreme ewe for the first time in 1979 before the Koonwarra stud was sold in 1998.
"Eventually after a few years we came back in 2016 to win the Stonehaven Cup, which was a pretty emotional win for us," he said.
"We also won it in 2021, which meant a lot as my grandfather couldn't make it to the show due to health reasons. We have tried to continue on and win it again."
The history of the family's Merino stud, the Merino and the RAS is a real passion for Sam.
RAS pair of the year competition winners Thalaba Merino stud, Crookwell, with Sadie, 6, Jack, 10, Anthony and Sam Frost, 12, Thalaba Merino stud, Crookwell. Photo by Helen De Costa.
Judging kicked off well for Thalabah Merino stud, Crookwell, winning the RAS pair of the year award at the Sydney Royal Show on Monday, March 25.
The win was a first for the stud, with both exhibits having a strong success history.
The ram Thalabah M28340, along side ewe Thalabah M27081 rose to the top of another seven entries in the class.
The class was judged by Andrew Rayner, Grathlyn Merinos, Hargraves, Bruce Dunbabin, Mayfield Merino stud, Little Swanport, Tasmania, Matthew Coddington, Roseville Park Merino stud, Dubbo, Ross McGauchie, Terrick West Merino stud, Prairie, Victoria, and Richard House Barloo Merino stud, Western Australia.
Mr House said the March shorn pair were well balanced with good wool and very wooly. Thalabah stud principal Krisi Frost said the individuals had been successful within their own rights over the past few months.
The ram was by Thalabah 401, who was bred within the Langdene blood family of the Thalabah stud.
Who was previously named the supreme Merino exhibit at Crookwell show earlier this year, while also claiming junior champion March shorn ram at last years Sydney Royal Show.
While the ewe is a descendant of Roseville Park bloodline within Thalabah.
She won also was awarded the grand champion ewe, earlier this year at the Great Southern Supreme Merino show and sale in February and the supreme Merino exhibit at Taragla show this year.
The ewe measured a fibre diameter of 17.5 micron, with a comfort factor of 99.7 per cent and curvature of 53.2.
The ram recorded a fibre diameter of 16.8 micron, a standard deviation of 2.7, and a spinning fineness of 15.8.
Merryville Merino stud Boorowa placed second with Demondrille Merino stud, Harden securing third place.
Sadie, Jack, Krisi, Sam and Anthony Frost of Thalabah, Laggan, watch as Nicky Merriman, Boorowa, sashes Zodiac, held by Rick Power, Nutrien. Picture by Rebecca Nadge
Sam Frost, Thalabah stud, Laggan with the supreme Merino ewe exhibit, Thalabah Ally and her fleece valued at $139.99 that gave her the win in the production classes. Picture supplied by Krisi Frost
As any wool grower will tell you, at the end of the day, it's about kilograms of wool and the money that it makes you.
On Thursday, Sydney Royal's supreme Merino exhibit, West Plains Zodiac, put the money in the bank with an overall score of 488.5 points out of a possible 500 in the Merino and Poll Merino four- to six-tooth production class.
This score included a valuation of $193.47 for the 19.1 kilograms of fleece, skirtings, and belly wool, which had a micron count of 18.4, a greasy fleece weight (GFW) percentage of 19, and a coefficient of variation (CV) of 14.6, which scored it 30 points.
Add to the formula an eye muscle (EM) scan of 47 square centimetres, a fat cover of 5mm and a body weight of 124kg and the picture of a quality dual-purpose sire quickly emerges.
Drew and Laura Chapman, West Plains stud, Delegate, this was the sweetest of icing on the very grand cake of supreme exhibit.
"We're really pleased today because our supreme exhibit has won the production class," Mr Chapman said.
"He's up with the top cuts ever in this competition; he's cut 19.1 kilos at 18.4 microns with a fleece value of $193.47 and his balance.
"He's come in with a 47 (cm2) eye muscle and 124 kilos out of the wool. That's what we're trying to do.
"We want a big carcase to be able to get a wether lamb to come off early and to be able to still cut a lot of wool at weight.
Mr Chapman said West Plains' second ram in the six-tooth and over class also performed well with an overall all score of 418.5/500.
Second to Zodiac in the 4 to 6 tooth class was the entry from the Alcock family's Greenland stud, Maffra, which had a micron count of 16.7 and a 12.6GFW. It returned $157.15 with a body weight of 103kg and an EM of 41. Its subject evaluation score was 76, with a CV of 16.2 to score 414/500.
Third was another Greenland entry with 17.3 microns, a GFW of 13.4, a fleece value of $148.74, an EM of 39, and a body weight of 99kg. Its CV was 17, its subjective score was 69, and its overall points score was 396.5.
In the six tooth and more class, the Frost family's Thalabah stud, Laggan, took first place with a 16.8 micron-count ram valued at $149.19. It had a GFW of 14, EM of 46 - the second highest of the day and a bodyweight of 127.5, the highest weight of the day. Its subjective score was 75, providing a final tally of 443.5/500.
Second in the class was another from the West Plains team. It had a micron of 19.3 with a GFW of 17.
It had a value of $147.55. It had a CV of 19.4, EM of 44 and weighed 11.5kg. The judges awarded a subjective score of 74 for a total of 418.5/500.
Third place went to a Merryville entry with 17.1 microns, a GFW of 13 and a value of $147.55. The CV was 17.4, EM 37 and a weight of 104.5kg. Its subjective score was 74 for a total of 397/500.
In the ewe classes, the cream rose to the top again, with Thalabah's supreme Merino ewe exhibit kicking clear with an overall score of 380.5 points.
The fleece was 17.3 microns, with a GFW of 11.6, and is valued at $139.99. Its CV was 19.3, EM 37, and body weight was 81.5kg.
Anthony Frost said the ewe known to the family as Ally will be joined by natural methods, and the big choice was which sire to use.
"We'll consider getting some embryos from her at some point, but it's a bit late to do a program now," he said.
"We'll have to put a bit of thought into it.
Mr Frost was pleased with Ally's data, particularly her eye muscle scan.
"Thallabah sheep seem to be scanning really well all the time.
"Coming from a colder climate, they have got to be able to keep their constitution going to stand up to the cold."
In second place was another from the Greenland team, with a micron of 17.4 and a GFW of 12.2. It accumulated a value of $133.70, a CV of 14.8 and an EM of 34. Its body weight was 81.5kg, its subjective score was 82, and its total score was $358.7.
Merryville, Boorowa, provided the third-placed ewe with a micron count of 16.1 and a GFW of 6.3. Its fleece valuation was $97.01, CV 15.8, and EM 36. The subjective score was 74, bodyweight 75.5, and overall points score was 326.5.
Well respected wool industry representative Ally Jaffrey passed away due to a rare blood cancer. (Supplied: Kristen Frost)
Sam Frost, 12, parading his Merino ewe "Ally" at the Sydney Royal Easter Show. (Supplied: Kristen Frost)
Young studmaster Sam Frost with his family's winning ewe, Ally. (ABC News: Joshua Becker)
Ally, held by Rick Power, is sashed by Nicky Merriman with Kristen, Anthony, Sam, Jack and Sadie Frost. (Supplied: Kristen Frost)
Ally is a fine wool ewe with 17.5-micron wool. (ABC Rural: Joshua Becker)
The Crookwell community bared all in a nude calendar to support Ally Jaffrey during her cancer battle. (Supplied: Crookwell Bares It All)
Crookwell locals, from sporting stars to sheep shearers, stripped off for a naked calendar. (Supplied: Crookwell Bares It All)
Ally Jaffrey, pictured with husband Cody, passed away in February. (Supplied)
In short:
A Merino called "Ally" won the supreme Merino ewe exhibit at the Sydney Royal Easter Show.The ewe was named after well-known wool industry representative Ally Jaffrey, who passed away last month.
What's next?
Sam Frost, 12, will continue to exhibit Ally the ewe.
For 12-year-old Sam Frost, the Sydney Royal Easter Show is always a fun time of year, but this year parading his Merino ewe called "Ally" felt extra special.
Sam and his parents Kristen and Anthony Frost named their ewe in tribute to Ally Jaffrey from Crookwell, NSW, who passed away on February 17 after a five-year battle with myelofibrosis, a rare type of bone marrow cancer.
Ms Jaffrey was well-known and respected in the Australian wool industry, working as the wool area manager for Nutrien Crookwell, Southern Tablelands Flock Ewe competition secretary, and she also won the coveted wool classing golden stencil competition at the Sydney Royal Show in 2014.
Sam, who is from Thalabah Merino stud near Crookwell, NSW, said Ms Jaffrey was a close family friend and she knew a lot about his family's ram sale.
"When we got the ewe we decided to name her Ally as she was a real good ewe and she stood out to us," he said.
Ally the ewe reigns supreme
Two-and-a-half-year-old ewe, Ally, was sashed supreme Merino ewe exhibit at the Sydney Royal Easter Show.
"Luckily she won supreme, which is a nice memory to name that ewe after someone that is a really great person and meant a lot of everyone in the community," Sam said.
"It means a fair bit to us and hopefully to her family."
His mother Kristen Frost said to win the supreme with Ally was not just about that ribbon.
"It was about paying tribute to one of the most beautiful women I have ever met. Ally Jaffrey was so incredibly special to me, as a friend, colleague and support to our stud Thalabah," she said.
"Her death has had a massive effect on me and Frosty [Anthony], who was also close to her."
Anthony Frost said she meant a lot to everyone.
"You don't get as many people that are so community minded as Ally," he said.
"Nothing was ever a problem for her. She was in every committee, going from the rugby union club right through to the flock ewe competitions, and also the show society.
"She was always going above and beyond."
Community rallied for Ally
In 2018, Ms Jaffrey underwent a bone marrow transplant.
The community of Crookwell threw their support behind Ms Jaffrey when her cancer relapsed, and in 2022 for a nude calendar calendar entitled, Crookwell Bares All.
Within 48 hours more than 150 people and 56 businesses from the town of 2,600 had signed up to help raise funds.
"To get the whole community to get their clothes off, you have to have a fair bit of pulling power. It's not normally something everyone lines up to do," Mr Frost said.
"Ally and her husband Cody would do everything and anything for everyone else and the community just tried to give back by doing it."
While Ms Jaffrey admired their efforts, she told the ABC in 2022 it was blood donations that were most needed, as she relied on regular transfusions.
Ms Jaffrey's funeral was held in Crookwell on February 26.
As testament to her popularity, more than 1,500 people attended and, in a mark of respect, the main street businesses closed to join the guard of honour.
Supreme Ewe of the Sydney Royal Easter Show was "Ally", exhibited by the Frost family, Thalabah, Laggan. L-R: Sadie, Jack, Krisi, Sam and Anthony Frost with Nicky Merriman, Boorowa and Rick Power, Nutrien.
It has been a triumphant return to the show ring for Drew and Laura Chapman this year, taking home the Sydney Royal Easter Show Merino section’s highest honour when their Poll Merino ram was sashed Supreme Merino Exhibit.
West Plains 119, also known as Zodiac, was described as “hard to fault” by judges.
The ram was by Glenlea Park 180030 and out of a four-generation ET-bred ewe and had wool figures of 18.4-micron, standard deviation of 2.7-micron, coefficient of variation of 14.6 per cent and 99.6% comfort factor.
The win backs up a strong performance at Bathurst’s Great Southern Supreme Merino Show in February where it was named Supreme Poll Merino Exhibit.
Up against Zodiac for the top honour was supreme ewe exhibit Thalabah 081, known as Ally, exhibited by the Frost family, Thalabah, Laggan which was described as being “maxed out for productivity” by judges earlier in the day.
Presiding over the Merinos were judges Matthew Coddington, Roseville Park, Dubbo (fine); Ross McGauchie, Terrick West, Prairie, Victoria (fine/medium); Andrew Rayner, Grathlyn, Hargraves (ultrafine); Bruce Dunbabin, Mayfield, Tasmania (superfine) and Richard House, Barloo, Gnowangerup, Western Australia (medium and strong).
When sashing the supreme exhibit, Andrew Rayner said they had “two outstanding individuals” on the mat.
“The ewe is exceptional for her type - she’s big, she’s bulky, there’s plenty of wool there and she’s square,” he said. “Everything is right - but everything she’s got right, the ram just does a little bit better.”
The ewe, which was AWTA Grand Champion Merino Ewe at Bathurst, tested 17.5-micron with a 3.2-micron SD, 18.4% CV and 99.7% CF.
Both Zodiac and Ally went on to claim champion titles in the production classes.
The ram scored 488.5 points out of a possible 500 with a wool valuation of $193.47 for 19.1 kilograms of wool. It also scanned 47 square centimetres for eye muscle area, with a fat depth of five millimetres and body weight of 124kg.
The ewe scored 380.5 out of 500 with a wool valuation of $139.99 for 11.6kg of wool. Its eye muscle was recorded as 37cm2 and weighed in at 81.5kg.
Thalabah’s success continued in the pairs section, claiming the 2024 RAS Pair of The Year title with ram Thalabah 340 and Ally.
The 2024 National Pair of the Year was awarded to the Lette family, Conrayn, Berridale who exhibited ram Conrayn 832 and ewe Conrayn 813, which claimed the 2023 Tom Culley award.
They will go on to represent NSW at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show in Bendigo in July.
Many years of trying to win the Tom Culley Award for Best Junior Exhibit finally paid off for Armidale’s Alfoxton stud, claiming the title with August-shorn Poll ram Alfoxton 697.
The judges commented on its “magnificent fleece” during sashing, with the ram exhibiting 19.3-micron wool with a 2.6-micron SD, 13.2% CV and 99.8% CF.
Sadie, Jack, Krisi, Sam and Anthony Frost of Thalabah, Laggan, award presenter Nicky Merriman, Boorowa, and Rick Power, Nutrien. Picture by Rebecca Nadge
A Delegate stud has claimed the ultimate prize in the Merino ring at this year's Sydney Royal.
West Plains 28119, exhibited by Drew and Laura Chapman of West Plains, backed up his success from the Great Southern Supreme Merino at Bathurst last month to win the overall supreme exhibit.
Known as Zodiac, he tested 18.4-micron fibre diameter, standard deviation of 2.7 micron, coefficient of variation of 14.6 per cent and 99.6pc comfort factor.
The polled ram is by Glenlea Park 180030 and out of a West Plains ewe that is four generations ET bred with genetics back to East Strathglen, Tambellup, WA.
He won supreme Merino ram before going up against the supreme ewe in Thalabah 27081, shown by Thalabah stud, Laggan.
The selection of the supreme Merino exhibit came down to a choice of two outstanding individuals, ultrafine judge Andrew Rayner said.
Mr Rayner, Grathlyn, Hargarves, speaking on behalf of the panel of five judges, said the Thalabah ewe from the fine wool classes was exceptional for her type.
"She's big, she's bulky, there's plenty of wool there, she's square," he said. "Everything she's got is right.
"But everything that she's got right, the ram is just that little bit better.
"He's hard to fault. His make and shape through that hip, loin, and lower leg."
The judge's panel also included Matthew Coddington, Roseville Park, Wambangalang; Ross McGauchie, Terrick West, Prairie, Victoria; Bruce Dunbabin, Mayfield, Tasmania; and Richard House, Barloo, Gnowangerup, WA.
Mr House, the medium and strong wool judge, described the ram as a "very complete animal."
"Unbelievably good structure, a lot of very bright wool, an extremely good under-line down on his legs," he said.
"I've had this ram go right through my section, and he's been a standout."
He said all of the sheep in the lineup for the supreme ram and ewe awards were "extremely good sheep".
"On any other day, another ram could be first. The (Merino) breeders of NSW should be very proud, it was an extremely good display of sheep."
Zodiac will be shorn in the Merino production classes on Thursday morning.
Mr Chapman said there had been a lot of speculation about how much wool Zodiak would cut.
"This way, we can show the public on the record how much wool he will yield," Mr Chapman said.
Thalabah 27081 tested 17.5 micron with 3.2 micron SD, 18.4 CV and 99.7pc CF.
Krisi Frost, Thalabah stud, said she named the ewe after her close friend Ally Jeffrey, who died in February after a battle with illness, leaving the sheep and wool industry devastated.
Ally was the grand champion ewe at the Great Southern Supreme Merino at Bathurst.
"She was also supreme Merino at Taralga and was reserve champion at Crookwell show," Ms Frost said.
"As a lamb weaner, she did stand out.Sometimes it is hard to pick those good ones at a young age, but you can see they have potential, they can just come on a bit later.
We decided to shear as a younger ewe and then show her as a March-shorn this year."
Ms Frost said Ally was classed as an elite Thalabah ewe from the Thalabah Roseville Park family.
"She'll be single-mated to a stud sire very soon. She needs to go into lamb, but we haven't made our mind up who we will join her with," she said.
The Clonan family's Alfoxton stud, Armidale, were awarded the grand champion August-shorn ram with Alfoxton 20711.
He tested 16.4 micron with 2.7 micron SD, 16.2 CV and 99.8pc CF.
Peter and Jayne Lette, Conrayn stud, Berridale, won champion August-shorn ewe with Conrayn 20813.
She tested 17.2 micron, 2.3 micron SD, 13.5pc CV and 99.9pc CF.
Cam Munro, Elgelabra, Simon Bahr, Meadow View, Brett Cooper, AWN, with Thalabah's Jack, 10, Anthony and Sam Frost, 12, and the Nutrien Ag Solutions Champion August-shorn ram.
Sam Frost, Thalabah, with the Fabstock champion March-shorn ewe.
A venue change has paid off for the Great Southern Supreme Merino committee, with a record number of junior handlers getting involved when the two-day event kicked off in Bathurst on February 27.
There were about 230 rams entered, which exceeded the committee's hopes when the move was first announced.
More than 20 studs travelled from around NSW and Victoria to compete. The judges were Brett Cooper, AWN, Mudgee, for the ultra and superfines; Michael Corkhill, Grassy Creek Merinos, Reids Flat; Simon Bahr, Meadow View Poll Merinos, Henty; and Cam Munro, Egelabra Merinos, Warren.
August-shorn rams
The ultrafine champion was the four tooth and over class winner in Bocoble A20531.
Grathlyn A20374, the winner of the two tooth and under class, was reserve.
In the superfines, Queenlee A20678 was the champion after winning the two tooth and under class.
Bocoble A20535, which was second to Queenlee in the same class, was reserve.
Langdene was awarded champion and reserve in the fine wool class for tags A20400 and A20394, respectively, which were first and second in the four tooth and over class.
The fine/medium champion went to Demondrille A20278 after its win in the two tooth and under class, with the four tooth and over winner, Koonwarra A20271, in reserve.
Thalabah A20068 was the medium/strong wool winner after wining the two tooth and under class, with Lach River A20204 in reserve following its win in the four tooth and over class.
The Nutrien Ag Solutions champion August-shorn ram went to Thalabah A20068, by Nerstane 73, from the medium/strong wool. Langdene A20400, the fine wool champion, was reserve.
August-shorn ewes
The ultrafine champion ewe went to the two tooth and under winner, Greenland A20839.
Queenlee 23A20687, which was second to Greenland in the same class, was reserve.
The superfine champion went to Merryville A20525 after its win in the four tooth and over class, while Bocoble A20543 was reserve after coming second in the same class.
Langdene A20403 won the two tooth and under class before going on to win champion, with Merryville A20259 in second and going to win reserve.
In the medium wool, Langdene A20409 won the two tooth and under class before winning champion, with Merryville A20251 in second and then reserve.
Lach River had a double with the medium/strong wool. A20210 won the four tooth and over class before going to win champion, while A20209 was the two tooth and under class winner before taking reserve.
The Elders champion August-shorn ewe went to the ultrafine winner in Greenland A20839, with Langdene A20409 from the fine wool class in reserve.
August-shorn poll rams
In the ultrafine, Bocoble A20530 was champion. The ram was first in the four tooth and over class.
In reserve was Hillcreston 23A20006, which was second in the same class.
In the superfine, Merrignee A20267 won the two tooth and under class and therefore was awarded champion.
The fine wool was won by Airlie A20616 after winning the two tooth and under class. Merryville A20229 came second in the same class and went on to win reserve.
In the fine/medium, Koonwarra A20272 won the four tooth and over class before winning champion, while second place, and then reserve, went to Langdene A20401.
Terrick West took champion and reserve in the medium/strong wool section with tags 23A36110 and 23A36111, respectively, after the rams placed first and second in the tooth two and under.
The overall champion went to Terrick West 23A36110 from the medium/strong wool category, with the fine wool winner, Airlie A20616, in reserve.
August-shorn poll ewes
Grathlyn was awarded the ultrafine champion with A20386, which won the two tooth and under class.
Glenburnie A20627, which was second in the same class, was awarded reserve.
Queenlee A20686 was the sole exhibit in the superfine wool two tooth and under and went on to win champion.
Glenburnie A20629 was the champion in the fine wool category following its win in the two tooth and under. Bocoble A20541 was second in the same class and went on to win reserve.
The fine/medium champion went to Karowara Plains A20515 after it won the two tooth and under, while Terrick West A36103, which was second in the same class, was reserve.
Terrick West had another double in the medium/strong wool after A36102 and A23104 were first and second in the two tooth and under class and then champion and reserve, respectively.
Overall champion went to the fine/medium winner Karowara Plains A20515 with the medium/strong winner Terrick West A36102 in reserve.
March-shorn rams
Pomanara took champion and reserve in the ultrafines with M26258 and M26263. The rams were first and second in the four tooth and over class.
Merignee M7352 was champion superfine after winning the four tooth and over, while the two tooth and under winner, Greenland M28198, was reserve.
The fine wool category had some big classes but it was Merrignee M27355 that came away with champion after its win in the four tooth and over. In reserve was the two tooth and under winner, Greenland M28201.
Lach River M27326 was champion in the fine/medium category after its win in the four tooth and over. Nerstane M27834 was second in the same class and went on to win reserve.
Tara Park M27290 took champion in the medium/strong coming from the four tooth and over class, while the two tooth and under winner, Thalabah M27123, was reserve.
Merrignee won the Fabstock champion March-shorn ram for its fine wool winner in M27355, with its superfine winner M27352 in reserve.
March-shorn ewes
Greenland M28159 was the ultrafine champion following its win in the two tooth and under, while the four tooth and over winner, Pomanara M26285, was reserve.
The superfine champion was the four tooth and over winner, Merrignee M27343. Merryville M27225 was second in the same class and won reserve.
Thalabah M27081 was the fine wool four tooth and over winner and went on to be crowned champion. Greenland M28174, which was second in the same class, was reserve.
Thalabah M27076 was the fine/medium champion following its win in the four tooth and over, while the two tooth and under winner, Tara Park M27257, was reserve.
Tara Park then took first and second in the medium/strong four tooth and over with M27260 and M27256 going to win champion and reserve, respectively.
The fine wool winner, Thalabah M27081, was awarded the Fabstock champion March-shorn ewe, while Tara Park M27260 from the medium/strong category, was reserve.
March-shorn poll rams
Queenlee 23M27947 and Merryville M28356 placed first and second in the ultrafines and therefore went on to win champion and reserve.
There were no competitors in the superfine category.
In the fine wool, Merryville M27554 was champion after its win in the four tooth and over, while Demondrille M27487, which was second in the same class, was reserve.
The fine/medium champion went to West Plains 23M28110, which won the four tooth and over. Brundanella M27510, which was second in the same class, was reserve.
West Plains 23M28119 won the medium/strong four tooth and over class and therefore champion, while Lach River M27790 was second and then reserve.
The Schute Bell champion March-shone poll ram was awarded to the medium/strong winner in West Plains 23M28119, while the ultrafine winner, Queenlee 23M27947, was reserve.
March-shorn poll ewes
There were no entries in the ultrafines, but Merryville M28365 was the winner of the four tooth and over in the superfines and went on to win champion. Glenburnie 23M27936 won the two tooth and under class, and was reserve.
Merryville M27222 was the only entry in the fine wool, winning the two tooth and under class and therefore champion.
The fine/medium champion was Merryville M27207 after its win in the two tooth and under, while the four tooth and over winner, Merryville M27230, was reserve.
The medium/strong four tooth and over winner Brundanella M27531 went on to win champion, while Merryville M27218, the two tooth and under winner, won reserve.
Merryville M28365 won the AWN champion March-shorn poll ewe following its success in the superfine, while Glenburnie 23M27936, also from the superfines, won reserve.
Junior judging
There was a strong turnout for the junior judging competition, which was overseen by Stephen Chalmers, Nutrien stud stock, Wagga Wagga, and assisted by Cam Munro, Egelabra.
Paddy Lowe, Thalabah Merinos, Laggan, was awarded first place following some hot competition, with Max Humphries, Oberon, in second and Sam Frost, Thalabah, in third.
The class was sponsored by The Conron Store, Grenfell.
Rick Power, Nutrien, Anthony Frost, Thalabah Merino Stud, buyer Charlie McGeechan, Binda, Jack Frost, Maddy Lowe, Nutrien, and Kristen Frost, Thalabah Merino Stud. Picture by Hayley Warden
Thalabah Merino Stud's offering of 70 Merino and Poll Merino rams reached a top of $5500 and an average of $1837 at its on-property sale on Friday.
Overall, 57 of 70 rams sold, with a further three selling at the conclusion of the auction.
The top-priced ram sold for $5500 and was purchased by repeat buyers, the McGeechan family, Binda, as part of a draft of three that averaged $4416.
The June 2022 drop ram is a son of TH Nelson, the lead ram in the 2021 RAS Stonehaven Cup winning team at Sydney Royal.
The 86 kilogram ram measured a 17.4-micron fleece, 2.8 standard deviation, 16.3 per cent coefficient of variation, and 99.7pc comfort factor, while his scan results indicated a 36.5-millimetre eye muscle depth.
Charlie McGeechan said the ram would be used over Bogo Merino ewes.
"I liked him for his wool micron, structure and genetics," Mr McGeechan said.
"Our family has purchased rams from Thalabah for the last four years at the stud's annual sale."
The McGeechan family also purchased the second top-priced ram for $5000.
The June 2022 drop ram, by TH RP Syn, measured an 18.6-micron fleece, 3.2 standard deviation, 17.1 per cent coefficient of variation, and a 99.7 comfort factor.
The volume buyer on the day was Karoopa Partnership, Crowther, which secured six rams for an average of $1083.
The sale was conducted by Nutrien, Crookwell, with Rick Power as auctioneer, and interfaced with Elite Livestock Auctions.
Fifth generation woolgrower and Thalabah Merino Stud co-principal Kristen Frost with her late father and inspiration John “Sam” Williams. Credit: Supplied
There wasn’t a dry eye in the Women In Wool International Women’s Day event on Friday as fifth generation New South Wales woolgrower Kristen Frost took the floor.
The Thalabah Merino Stud co-principal and The Land’s national sheep and wool writer delivered the sad news that her father and inspiration, John “Sam” Williams, had died four weeks’ prior.
“With him, he took a massive amount of knowledge and unwavering passion for the Merino wool industry,” she said, through tears.
“But what he did leave was a legacy, not to mention a huge pair of shoes to fill.
“Family legacy is not just about what has been created, but about the story that we are a part of and share.”
The passionate woolgrower is continuing on his legacy, paving her own path in the Merino industry, and having a “red hot crack” at contributing to it in the way her father did so during his lifetime.
“My dad’s passion and dedication in pursuing his ambition to breed the perfect Merino at the family property Thalabah, Laggan, was legendary,” she said.
Mrs Frost said he had success in the 1970s, 80s and early 90s under the stud name Koonwarra, following his desire against the odds to breed a fine to fine-medium wool type Merino with enormous size and physical presence.
Calling the resultant sheep a “revelation,” she said Koonwarra became a parent stud of the modern era.
While she said the goal of Thalabah had not changed, the industry had since the “glory days” before the turn of the century.
Now facing volatile markets, battling against cropping and mixed farming land, meat sheep breeds, mulesing debates, shearer shortages and competition with synthetic fibres, Mrs Frost said today’s woolgrowers were facing a “vastly different” time in the industry.
“I am not saying it was easy for dad to do what he did, but I believe he and all Merino breeders during that halcyon period of the wool industry certainly didn’t have the challenges or adversities we face now,” Mrs Frost said.
“We will advance with technology and we will continue to evolve with the Merino as it adapts to the changing demands of the industry.”
The mother of four considered the greatest issue facing the industry today to be the dwindling numbers of Merino ewes.
She called the Merino ewe the “cornerstone” of the Australian sheep industry and engine room for the prime lamb industry, with their dwindling numbers a “major worry” moving forward.
“It seems very apt to me that on this day when we are talking about women and their achievements that we talk about the incredible underestimated importance of the Merino ewe in the sheep industry,” she said.
To do their part, Mrs Frost said they were looking to increase their number of sheep shorn from 4000 to 6000 by 2026.
“The estimated stock of the Merino ewe base at a national level indicates Merino ewes for breeding have fallen by around one million head, while the numbers for crossbred and other non-Merino types has increased by 1.75 million head over the two-year period,” she said.
“We take for granted where we are and we are the best country in the world to produce the best Merino in the world.
“I realise a lot of decisions in businesses are made on profitability margins.
“But the modern day Merinos are doing their job in providing the meat side of the equation to help those margins and they have become incredibly competitive when it comes to the sheepmeat market.”
She said Merinos today were more fertile and had better carcases to those bred 30 years ago, with Merino lamb prices competitive with crossbreds, as well as having a wool cut.
“They are an amazing animal and can do amazing things in an enterprise as well as being used as a natural risk management tool,” she said.
“I have to believe my dad will be proud of any attempt I and my young family are making to preserve the life of our Merino operation, our stud and our industry.”
The late John 'Sam' Williams with his daughter, ACM Ag's national sheep and wool writer, Kristen Frost.
Kristen with her father in 1978.
Kristen with her father on a recent drive around their farm.
Four weeks ago yesterday, my father John "Sam" Williams passed away in his sleep.
He was 87 years old.
With him, he took a massive amount of knowledge and unwavering passion for the Merino wool industry.
But what he did leave was a legacy, not to mention a huge pair of shoes to fill.
I'd like to read you a quote by Peter Strople - "Legacy is not leaving something for people. It's leaving something in people."
Family legacy is not just about what has been created, but about the story that we are a part of and share.
In truth, we are always part of a bigger narrative.
So excuse me as what I am about to say pays tribute to a larger than life man, and I know today is all about women, but I am here because I am his daughter and our stories are never just about ourselves.
There have always been events, actions and people who intersect with our story.
Our challenge is to see the larger narrative, and recognise how others have shaped us, and in my case, it was my father.
I don't expect I will fill those shoes he left, and I also don't consider myself to be following in my father's footsteps.
Rather I have been given the chance to pave my own path in the Merino wool industry as well as attempt to make a difference, no matter how big or small while I walk that path placed before me.
My name is Kristen Frost, I am 46 years young, a fifth generation woolgrower and first generation national sheep and wool writer.
I have been with ACM and before that Rural Press/Fairfax since 2005, working my way from a small town managing editor at the Crookwell Gazette to The Land's livestock writer, then livestock editor to finally land my dream job of national sheep and wool writer even after being knocked back at my first attempt at the position.
Remember - never give up.
I have four amazing children - Sam, Jack, Sadie, and Grace and I am married to a man who shares my passion and drive to succeed in the path we have landed on.
I am not going to pretend I can emulate what my father achieved, but I couldn't stand not giving it a red hot crack.
My dad's passion and dedication in pursuing his ambition to breed the perfect Merino at the family property Thalaba, Laggan, was legendary.
And although his success during the 1970s, 80s and early 90s under the stud name Koonwarra might have seemed to have been easily gained, it only came through standing against the odds and following his own mind.
And there the parallels are- I too believe I am standing against the odds and following my own mind.
After the death of his own father at a young age, dad followed his desire to breed a fine to fine-medium wool type Merino with enormous size and physical presence and with wool production levels equal to the industry's best.
The sheep he bred at that time were a revelation and proved a big sheep could grow a fine-medium type fleece at a time it was the domain of big sheep to grow a bold medium to strong wool fleece.
Confirmation he succeeded in setting his type, which had specific attributes that would breed on, was when his stud rams attracted attention from fellow Merino breeders, and Koonwarra became a parent stud of the modern era, influencing many studs which are prominent today.
Today at Thalabah that goal has not changed.
But the Merino and the sheep industry has.
Today, to breed a true fine-medium wool fleece sheep with size, with a handy carcase, together with large wool cut and be at the top of the industry is a lot harder than it sounds.
Actually, everything feels a lot harder at the moment.
When my dad was in his absolute glory days the Merino was also basking in its own golden era.
The country at that time was literally riding on the sheep's back.
At the time, the wool industry gave Australia one of the highest living standards in the world.
The economy rode high on wealth from primary exports.
Between the 1950s and 1990s, wool was synonymous with the Australian way of life.
During this time dad dominated the fine to fine-medium wool sheep world for nearly three decades with fellow sheep breeders saying his sheep were virtually unbeatable.
I am not saying it was easy for dad to do what he did, but I believe he and all Merino breeders during that halcyon period of the wool industry certainly didn't have the challenges or adversities we face now.
I know my time in the Merino industry will be vastly different to my father's.
Yes, we will continue to grow as much wool on a sheep as we possibly can without sacrificing the quality of wool.
We will compete in the show ring.
We will advance with technology and we will continue to evolve with the Merino as it adapts to the changing demands of the industry.
Some of those demands will be fighting the continuing battle for the Merino against cropping and mixed farming land and now not just against meat breeds, but shedding breeds of sheep.
The wool market is now described, even at its highest point, as volatile and never really did recover from the reserve price scheme suspension in 1991.
Then there is the mulesing debate, the shortage of shearers and the fight in the battle for natural fibres against synthetics.
These are only a few of the challenges.
It's all about the ewe
But in my view, probably the greatest issue of the Australian sheep industry is the dwindling numbers of the Merino ewe.
It seems very apt to me that on this day when we are talking about women and their achievements that we talk about the incredible underestimated importance of the Merino ewe in the sheep industry.
This year at Thalaba on our small morsel of wool growing country on a vast landscape, we will do our part by shearing just over 4000 adult sheep, and by 2026 we hope that number increases to 6000.
In that equation we are determined to run more breeding ewes and less dry sheep.
We are also madly improving the pastures and infrastructure to adequately allow these extra sheep to not only increase in numbers, but thrive.
Our average micron is 19 and our adult ewes cut an average of 7.5 kilos.
We are doing all of this for our business, but we are also doing it for the industry.
The Merino ewe is the cornerstone of the entire sheep industry being at the core of the wool production.
They are also the engine room for the prime lamb industry and their declining numbers are a major worry.
The latest figures from the MLA / AWI sheep and wool survey reveals the number of Merino breeding ewes has declined over the past two years, despite a strong rebound in sheep numbers.
The estimated stock of the Merino ewe base at a national level indicates Merino ewes for breeding have fallen by around one million head, while the numbers for crossbred and other non-Merino types has increased by 1.75 million head over the two-year period.
We take for granted where we are and we are the best country in the world to produce the best Merino in the world.
I realise a lot of decisions in businesses are made on profitability margins.
But the modern day Merinos are doing their job in providing the meat side of the equation to help those margins and they have become incredibly competitive when it comes to the sheepmeat market.
They are very different to the Merino bred 30 years ago.
They are more fertile, and have better carcases.
Current market prices are averaging 800 cents per kilogram for a crossbred lamb and 780c per kilogram for a Merino lamb - that is a difference of just 20c a kilo.
Then top it off with their wool cut.
They are an amazing animal and can do amazing things in an enterprise as well as being used as a natural risk management tool.
I have to believe my dad will be proud of any attempt I and my young family are making to preserve the life of our Merino operation, our stud and our industry.
He was competitive and possessed a steely determination but he was generous to all those he came in contact with.
I inherited his steely determination and his competitiveness.
I can only hope I can be half the person he was.
One thing I will always remember and tell myself is - "hold your head high and open your heart".
Marion and Jim Williams: (02) 4837 3243
Krisi Frost: 0467 048 322
Anthony Frost: 0408 689 857
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